What IS a Virtual Assistant?
A virtual assistant is essentially an assistant who works remotely.
With the advent of reliable internet in the 1990s, businesses realised they no longer needed employees to be physically present in the office to get work done. This realisation sparked the first wave of virtual assistants. Post-pandemic, the demand for virtual support has surged.
Virtual assistants are particularly sought after by entrepreneurs and online businesses that need help but prefer not to invest in office space or staff resources initially. Many small and mid-sized businesses also utilise virtual support for specific tasks like social media management, financial support, or diary management.
In theory, a virtual assistant can perform any task that an in-office staff member might do. While there are some limitations, technology provides solutions to overcome these challenges. Virtual assistants offer flexibility, providing more hours when needed and fewer when not.
The scope of virtual support extends beyond administrative work. Virtual assistants can assist with marketing, web design, bookkeeping, lifestyle and personal tasks, and many other essential services.
"Supporting a business, supports a dream....a virtual assistant will support, collaborate, advise and do everything to help take your business to the next level."

Why do I need a Virtual Assistant?
If you are a new or an existing small/medium business owner who wants to focus on kick-starting your venture the best way you can, you need to get rid of small, repetitive duties and let a virtual assistant take care of all of this for you.
All those small, daunting tasks that consume your time and interfere with your creativity can be a thing of the past. By hiring a task-based virtual assistant, you'll find the arrangement much more flexible and more affordable.
Ultimately a Virtual Assistant can be on hand for anything, from anywhere at any time!
"You can do anything but not everything! A Virtual Assistant will help to lessen the load, reduce work-related stress, and help keep everything organised and on-track"

The 10 Benefits of hiring a Virtual Assistant:
A Virtual Assistant can drive business growth keeping in regular contact with your customers/clients when you can't
You are not tied to a geographical location - your VA can be anywhere, anytime, for anything - this gives your business much more flexibility
You will benefit from decreased operational costs saving £££s on office space, PAYE and benefits, office space and equipment
You REDUCE YOUR WORKLOAD! A VA is skilled in multiple areas. You'll find you are no longer stretched - you can focus on the more important aspects of your business and reduce your workplace stress. Not everything requires your full attention so by negating the 'small stuff', you can concentrate on core business requirements
A VA will bill you only for the hours they work. So paying for sick days, holiday or other benefits is not required. This can save a great deal of money whilst providing you with valuable services to operate your business methodically
A VA will do more work in less time leaving you to focus on driving business growth. Why go solo when you can hire a talented and multi-disciplined VA?
A VA is FLEXIBLE so they can take on almost anything and with wide ranging connections to other VAs and specialists, any aspect of the business can be covered in the same virtual manner
No need to pay for training - a VA brings a whole host of skills already
Scalability in operations - your VA will scale with you, act as your wing person and offer support as you grow - their flexibility means that you will always be supported in any capacity
More leisure time/work/life balance for you and your family.
"A Virtual Assistant gives you the gift of time - delegate all the mundane tasks to a Virtual Assistant, be more productive and free up much needed family, social and leisure time".